Spring Market Bag

Materials Used
  • Red Heart Yarn
  • Size G crochet hook
  • Yarn Needle
Ch 41
Row 1: SC in 2nd Ch from hook, SC in each ch. Ch 1, turn.(40 SC)
Row 2: Sc by Insert hook under back loop of sc and unworked loop of starting ch, repeat to end of row, ch 1, turn. (40 sc)
Row 3:  Sc by inserting hook under back loop of current row and unworked loop of previous row. Repeat to end. Ch 1, turn (40 SC)
Repeat Row 3 16 more times, for a total of 19 rows.
Row 20: SC by inserting hook under both loops of current row and unworked loop of previous row. Break yarn.
Bag Body
Starting from any corner of the bag bottom, join yarn with sl st, work 40 SC on each long side and 20 SC on each short side- total of 120 sc. SL st to first SC and ch1.
Row 1: SC in same st as joining sl st. Sc in next 2 SC, * ch 3 , skip 2 SC, SC in next 3 SC; repeat all around from * to last SC, CH 3 and sl st to top of first SC
Row 2: sl st to next sc, Ch 1, sc in same sc as sl st, work 9 dc in ch3, sk sc, sc in next sc, repeat to end.
Row 3: Sl st in first 3 dc, sc in each of next 3 dc, * ch3, sk 3dc, sc in each of next 3 dc; repeat from * to end, ch 3 and join with sl st to first sc
Repeat rows 2 and 3 nine more times (total of 10 pattern repeats)
Top Band
Row 1: Ch 1, sc in each sc and 3 sc in each ch3 all the way around to end, sl st to first st
Row 2 : Ch 1, sc in each sc, sl st to first st
Row 3 [Eyelet Row]: Ch 1 ,* sc, skip next sc, ch 1; repeat from * to end. Sl st in first sc.
Row 4: Ch 1, *sc in sc, sc in ch 1 sp; repeat from * to end
Row 5: Ch1, sc in each sc, sl st in first st. Break yarn
CH for 52 inches. Using a crochet hook, start in the middle of the front of the bag and weave the chain in and out of the eyelets created in the top band.
Bag Strap

Starting at left front corner, join yarn and SC in the next 20 SC. Ch1, turn.
Row 1:  sc in each sc (20 SC). Ch1, turn.
Row 2: SC in first SC, dec 1 over next two SC, SC to last 3 SC, DEC 1 over next two SC, SC in last SC. (18 SC). CH1, turn.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until there are 10 sts left.
Work even for 16  inches.
Increase Row 1: SC in first SC, 2SC in next SC, SC to last two SC, 2SC in next SC, SC in last SC (12 SC). CH 1, turn.
Increase Row 2: SC in every SC. CH 1, turn.
Repeat increase rows until there are 20 SC. Work on more row even. Break yarn and tie to opposite end of bag.

Secure any embellishments that you would like. Be careful NOT to sew through the drawstring/eyelet row – but you can secure items below and above the drawstring. Please keep in mind that all the embellishments would need to be washer/dryer safe (unless you make them detachable and/or plan on never washing it) so plan accordingly.


Butterflies I created with size 3 crochet thread and a D crochet hook. Tutorial here

The spiral flower, leaves and curly Q were created with worsted weight yarn and a #6 crochet hook.

***Updated instructions for bag bottom- correct count should be 120****

14 thoughts on “Spring Market Bag

  1. I’ve been working on this bag, and I think there are a few minor errors in the instructions.

    In row 3 of the bag body, it has us do 3 sc on the top 3dc of the 9dc fan. That’s right. But the next part says to chain 3, skip 3 double crochet, and make 3 single crochet again. If you do that, you’ll be skipping the rest of the fan and doing you 3 single crochet down in the gap between the fans instead of doing the 3 single crochet at the top of the next fan. I think that’s why people have been having trouble with the pattern there.

    It’s hard to explain what I mean in words. I drew a little (sloppy) diagram to show the problem:

    Also, for the bag body, it doesn’t say to end after a row 2. When you get to the top band, you need the last row to have been a row 2 on the bag body.

  2. I am having trouble getting the netting down. I got the first two rows down but I can’t figure out how to do the third row for the life of me. To me it reads sc 6 in each dc, ch 3, sk 3 dc, sc 3, repeat. is that the intention?

    • “Row 3: Sl st in first 3 dc, sc in each of next 3 dc, * ch3, sk 3dc, sc in each of next 3 dc; repeat from * to end, ch 3 and join with sl st to first sc”……it states as above, BUT when I did it I noticed an error or what I believe to be an error. It should read, ch 3, sk 6dc (instead of 3), sc in each of next 3 dc, repeat. This way you are crocheting the 3 sc’s in the center 3dc’s of the 9 (from the 2nd row). Make sense?

  3. 120 instead of 40? I’m confused…..I’m working on the bottom but it looks small with 40….so I’m thinking maybe that’s the 120. Please help. Thank you.

  4. Pingback: New Pattern: Spring Market Bag | A Simple Stitch

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