Craft / Knit / Knitted / Knitting / scarf / vacation

Georgia and a Cotton Scarf

Guess what! I am finally on vacation! While blogging may not be the first item that most people think about when they are on vacation- I miss my blog, Ravelry, and knitting in general. So, here is the real post that I have been promising all of you! And while there is knitting (I promise) there will also be pictures from my vacation. So, consider it the uber post 🙂

Anyhow, below is a picture of where our second flight came in. . .

Atlanta, Georgia. Our destination was Savanna, Georgia but it was night time by the time that we finally got there so no pictures of the landing/take off.

We are staying in a cottage that is absolutely wonderful!!

Part of the living room, we actually lit a fire in the fireplace last night because it was a tad chilly in the house.

The kitchen that has a coffee pot and other essentials . . .

The sun porch, the door that is open leads to the master bedroom- it is so awesome because we can hear the birds and the wind when we leave the door open

the dining room, which also has a door that opens up into the screen porch. Of course, one of the best parts about being by the ocean is the SEAFOOD!!!!!!! (yes, all those exclamation marks are necessary). The first place that we have eaten at was the Crab Shack, and if you ever have the chance you have to try their crab cakes . . . they are so amazing and filling! Their tarter sauce was really yummy and (since I am me) I added hot sauce to the tarter  . . .  and that is when I noticed a creepy dude next to me . . .

No, not my husband! I was talking about the creepy crab dude on the bottle . . . below is a close up . . .

Creepy huh? Won’t stop me from buying a few bottles of this deliciousness before heading back but it may prompt me to scribble over him with a Sharpie.

Another cool thing about this restaurant (and may or may not be the sole reason why we decided to eat here first) is that they have live alligators that you can feed.  Unfortunately, they are still in hibernation so we were unable to feed them but we still looked at them and watched them be lazy for a while.

They also had exotic birds, so John made a new friend that followed him around and it was really cute.

Another cool thing about this place (Tybee Island) is that there are cats EVERYWHERE! Since neither John or I are allergic to cats we don’t  care and it is fun to walk into a store and have a cat to play with. This one store in particular had a cat that reminded us of Marlow (who did not join us on this trip) was just adorable and we took the time for a photo-opt

Cute, right?

So, I know that this is a knitting blog so how about some knitting pictures? I haven’t been to a knitting store yet, but I was knitting a scarf on the plane and am hoping to finish it while we are down here.

The scarf isn’t blocked yet and there are a million and one mistakes in the pattern but I still like it.

I am making it out of Lion Brand Cotton-Ease, and is an airy yet slightly chunky scarf that I can’t wait to block and wear.

This is a pattern that I came up with on my own, and it is easy but unfortunately I keep making mistakes and ripping back when I notice in time. I only have a few feet done and just started using my second skein yesterday.

What do you all think?

Anyhow, that is it for this post. I want to quickly say thank you to all my readers and subscribers that are still with me even though the posting here has been lame at best.

4 thoughts on “Georgia and a Cotton Scarf

  1. Just ran across your blog…I absolutely love it. I really hope you post the pattern for the scarf you’re working on while on vacation. I like working with cotton. Also, that looks like the ideal vacation for me, how did you find the cottage to stay in?

    • Thank you for your comment, I most likely will post the pattern since it is easy.

      I found the place that we are staying at through googling, it is Mermaid Cottages and they rent out cottages on Tybee Island in Georgia. I am loving this trip (as can be seen by my ridiculously long non-knitting related posts) and I would recommend this island for anyone!

  2. I loved reading your blog. Thank beach house looks wonderful. I wouldn’t mind visiting. I’m surprised there are so many cats with the alligators around. My parents go to Florida and there are a lot of roosters where they go, just running loose. It’s amazing how the rest of the US lives and I love hearing about it. Thanks for the blog.

Lemme know what you think!